A Day With…Fionn


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On a warm June 16, 2023, I headed to the Biltmore Cabaret to spend the “day” shooting local twins Brianne and Alanna’s band Fionn. The day started at soundcheck, and took me until the end of the night. The show itself was the bands I Might Start Smoking album release party. Things didn’t go completely smoothly, as there was more than one technical glitch. First was Brianne’s guitar rig was very noisy, some technical help from the front of house engineer, and yours truly, helped it out…a bit. Though luckily by the time the set rolled around, it worked itself out, and was under control. Next up, was a slideshow Fionn had planned to project as they played, but there was an issue with connecting to the Biltmore’s system. That was remedied with the help of the bands manager, Amanda, who manually switched the videos during the show, some of which had to be on cue. Lastly… well you can scroll on to find out what it was…

Enough with the words (for now). This is all about the shots…and interview.



What is the story behind your bands name?

So Fionn is our last name in Irish. So it’s typically an Irish boys name. 

It’s like Fiona, but for a boy.

What is the story behind your bands name?

So Fionn is our last name in Irish. So it’s typically an Irish boys name. 
It’s like Fiona, but for a boy.

Banana bread

After soundcheck, and a quick interview (that you can watch above), Fionn headed home, which was a short walk from The Biltmore. There, their roommates were hanging out, finishing the last of the custom CD’s, and making some delicious banana bread. But the main reason was to drop the car off and grab some pre-show shots.
After all that, we walked the ten minutes back to the venue. Where the sisters joked and hoped they’d be let in, because they didn’t have their ID’s, and were worried that security wouldn’t know it was their show…

Banana bread

After soundcheck, and a quick interview (that you can watch above), Fionn headed home, which was a short walk from The Biltmore. There, their roommates were hanging out, finishing the last of the custom CD’s, and making some delicious banana bread. But the main reason was to drop the car off and grab some pre-show shots.
After all that, we walked the ten minutes back to the venue. Where the sisters joked and hoped they’d be let in, because they didn’t have their ID’s, and were worried that security wouldn’t know it was their show…


Back at the venue, doors were open, and the sisters greeted some early arrivals before, Kate Yahn, their opener went on, of which they were both exited to watch. Though there was one last hiccup before they went on. As Alanna plugged in a cable she’d grabbed from home, her tuner wouldn’t work. So there was a last minute scramble to get it working (which she did), before the set. Right before they went on we squeezed in a very quick, one minute portrait session. Then it was time…

Best Show/Worst show?

BRIANNE: I’d  say the best show for me, and probably for you [Alanna], was opening for Marianas Trench, at the Malkin Bowl, in Stanley Park.
ALANNA: Definitely. By far, best show. Very exciting. 
BRIANNE: That was a dream show. That was so cool.
ALANNA: I think our worst show? We’ve had a lot of bad shows at the beginning.
BRIANNE: As some, like, gigging teenagers, doing like, civic events, in our hometown.
ALANNA: I think the worst was the one we did at the Cloverdale Rodeo, when we were in grade 10. And we were doing a little country set, and right after us was a rave. They put us right before a rave. So we were right at the end of our Taylor Swift covers. Then all of a sudden all these ravers come in looking very confused…It was just uncomfortable for everybody. I’m not going to lie.
BRIANNE: It felt a little bit outta place.

Best Show/Worst show?

I’d  say the best show for me, and probably for you [Alanna], was opening for Marianas Trench, at the Malkin Bowl, in Stanley Park.
Definitely. By far, best show. Very exciting. 
That was a dream show. That was so cool.
I think our worst show? We’ve had a lot of bad shows at the beginning.
As some, like, gigging teenagers, doing like, civic events, in our hometown.
I think the worst was the one we did at the Cloverdale Rodeo, when we were in grade 10. And we were doing a little country set, and right after us was a rave. They put us right before a rave. So we were right at the end of our Taylor Swift covers. Then all of a sudden all these ravers come in looking very confused…It was just uncomfortable for everybody. I’m not going to lie.
It felt a little bit outta place.


Despite the earlier technical difficulties, the set went off without a hitch. The sound was great, and the band making the sound, was even better. Really putting on a show. At one point as you will see below, bringing in a fish piñata. While the fish itself was a clown fish, it was for their song “Goldfish”. And once the fish was ripped open, and gutted of its innards, Alanna, tossed them into the crowd. The innards themselves being candy cigarettes. (And not Popeyes, which are the only ones I knew of before that night). But ones who’s packs look very much like an actual pack of smokes, keeping in theme of their album. 
The two effortlessly switched between playing their instruments, and putting them down, just to sing. 
The crowd too was in it, too. Despite there being a lot of friends and family, there wasn’t a ton of phones out throughout the show, which was nice to see. People just being present for the show in front of them, and being in the moment.

If you could have anyone call you and ask you to open for them. Who would it be, and where?

I know [laughs], sorry. 
It’s such an obvious answer.
Taylor Swift!
Where? I guess, wherever she would bring us.
I think a hometown show would be cool…I  mean in dreamland, Roger Arena, would be sick.
She’s not playin’ Rogers babes, she’s playin’ BC Place.
Oh right…[laughs]

Though the last song on the album was played. The set wasn’t over. The finale being a cover of Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, and well their finale was grand, because they brought the roof down. Even with a little hiccup at the start, with Brianne, messing up a part, but without stopping, and with the smoothness of an old pro, just gave a laugh and a “fuck me” into the mic, and kept the flow going into the rest of the song.

Finally it was the end of the night; congratulations were given, and all was left on the stage. 

If you didn’t check out the “Cup of Questions” interview above. You can do so here (YouTube). Or below.

Check Fionn out: http://www.fionnband.com

Hey, Jade here. Thanks for visiting Backline Beat. If you like the site and would like to help support it, I’d be very grateful. Every little bit helps. Right now I’m an army of one, and would like at some point to be able to bring on other voices, to be a part of Backline Beat. Below, are links to Patreon, PayPal, and Linktree.

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                                                      — Jade Dempsey  

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